Self Knowledge

Laurel Murray

Laurel Murray spent 8 weeks in Berlin, Germany interning at AtomLeap, a company focused on Startup Business Intelligence and Startup Acceleration specifically for high tech startups looking to build a more sustainable future. While interning, she worked on the financial side of helping startups apply for funding, find investors, and working directly with the founders in regard to helping them fully understand how to financially run their company.

Maria Taylor

Maria Taylor is a second year student at Chatham University studying Women and Gender Studies and International Studies as a double major with a certificate in Middle Eastern studies. She is working to graduate a year early, to then continue her education by enrolling in law school, or a graduate program in security studies. Following her formal educations, she hopes to continue to learn and grow while working as a human rights attorney, or for an intelligence agency.

Melanie Byler

Melanie Byler had the incredible opportunity to participate in a healthcare exposure program centered on India's healthcare system. Four weeks were spent in the rural town of Malavli where the rural healthcare setting was observed. After that, Melanie transitioned to living in the urban city of Mumbai and observing the healthcare system there for four weeks as well. Throughout the program, Melanie got to observe various types of surgery including brain surgeries and orthopedic surgeries. She also got to observe various out-patient department settings.

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